AMANDA || Summary Of The Poem-6 || Questions Answers Class 10th



Every child feels that he/she is controlled and instructed not to do one thing or the other. Amanda is a little girl. She, too is instructed the same way-not to bite her nail and hunch her shoulder. If she has done her homework, tided the room and cleaned stop all these instructions half heartedly . She is busy in her own reverie She dreams that she’s a mermaind or an orphan or the princess Rapunzel.


Q-1 Name the poet and the poem ?

Ans This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘Amanda’ written by Robin Klein.

Q-2 Who is Amanda and what is she biting ?

Ans Amanda is a small girl. She is biting her nali.

Q-3 How is Amanda sitting ?

Ans She is sitting by banding her body .

Q-4 Write one advice of the poem ?

Ans The post advises her to sit erect.

Q-5 Who is the speaker in this stanza ?

Ans The speaker is Klein the poet.

Q-6 What is his first question to the listener ?

Ans The first question is about finishing her homework .

Q-7 Who is the speaker ?

Ans The speaker is Amanda .

Q-8 What does she say about herself ?

Ans She says about herself that she is an orphan .

Q-9 What does the speaker say about pattern ?

Ans The speaker says that she makes pattern with soft dust .

Q-10 What does the above line show a fantasy or a fact ?

Ans it is a fantacy.

Q-11 Is the sea violent or peaceful ? Which word / words tell you this ?

Ans The word ‘languid’ tell us that the sea is peaceful.

Q-12 What is the wish of the girl ?

Ans The girl’s wish is to be a mermaid, swimming happily in the peaceful sea.

Q-13 Which wordin the above stanza means ‘relaxed’ ?

Ans- languid is the word which means relaxed.

Q-14 Write the opposite of ‘unclean’ ?

Ans- uncleaned=cleaned.

Q-15 What does the speaker ask about the shoes ?

Ans- The speaker asks Amanda if she has cleaned her shoes.

Q-16 What does the speaker say about pattern ?

Ans- The speaker says that she makes pattern with soft dust.

Q-17 Trace a word that mean ‘wander’ ?

Ans- wander = roam.


Q-1 What is the central idea of the poem ‘Amanda’ ?

Ans Children are too innocent and ignorant to know what is wrong and what is right. Parents try to tell the children what is right and what they should do . They indulge in too much control and give too many instructions. The children don’t like such restrains. They want to do whatever they like . They get fed up and take resort to fantasy and day dreamings an Amanda did.

Q-2 What is the theme of the poem ‘Amanda ?

Ans Too many instructions and too much control is resented by children. They get bored and fed up . Than , they listen to their parents half -heartedly and indulge in day – dreaming.

Q-3 What are some of the pieces of advices put to Amanda by the poet ?

Ans The poet has advised Amanda neither to bite her nails nor to bend her shoulders He further instructs her not to eat chocolate and clean her room as well as shoes He want that she will look at him when he speaker .

Q-4 ……a mermaid, drifting blissfully. who is Amanda ? What could Amanda do if she were a mermaind ?

Ans- Amanda represents every child who is controlled and instructed not to do one thing or another. If she would blissfully drift in the sea .

Q-5 What is the theme of the poem ‘Amanda’ ?

Ans- Too many instructions and too much control is resented by children. They get bored and fed up. Then, they listen to their parents half-heartedly and indulge in day – dreaming.

Q-6 There is a languid, emerald sea’ where the sole inhabitant is me- a mermaid, drifting blissfully. What could Amanda do, if she were a mermaid ?

Ans – If Amanda were a mermaid, Amanda would live happily in the sea. She would move slowly in a graceful manner.

Q-7 How old do you think Amanda is ? How do you know this ?

Ans- Amanda is a small girl. All her activity like biting nails and moving her shoulders show her child like activities. This shows that she is a girl in between 3 to 5 years of age.

Q-8 Why are stanza 2, 4 and 6 given in parenthesis ?

Ans- The stanzas 2, 4 and 6 are given in parenthesis because these are the replies give by Amanda give by Amanda to the poet They have specific answers . They express her nature and mood.

Q-9 Who is the speaker in stanza 2, 4 and 6 ? Do you think the speaker is listening to the speaker in the speaker in stanzas 1, 3,5 and 7 ?

Ans- In stanzas 2,4 and 6 the speaker is amanda . she is replaying in her own ways to the advises or instruction given in stanza 1, 3 ,5 and 7 She does not want to live in other word.

Q-10 What could Amanda do if she were mermaid ?

Ans Amanda possess a detailed planning in her mind. She want to lead a life of rest , repose and relaxation . She will enjoy life in the sea and drift in it here and there . She will enjoy a blissful life there .


Q-1 Do you know the story of rapunzel ? Why does she want to be Rapunzel ?

Ans- Rapunzel is the story of a beautiful princess whose step – mother keeps her captivated in a tower with not step or door . it only has a window . the princess live there all alone with no other necessties . Rapunzel has very long hair. One day a prince happens to come that way on his horse. He and the princess fa;; in love with each other at first sigh The princess climds up . He takes the princess in his strong arms, jumps on the horse and thus both escape.

Amanda wants to be Rapunzle to live a peacceful life in a tower , Where no one gives any instruction and she doesn’t have to do any work she has high dreams .

Q-2 What does the girl yearn for ? What does this poem tell you about Amanda ?

Ans- Amanda yearn for complete freedom . She does not want to be interrogated. She want to lead a life of libarty and enjoyment . The poem tell us that Amanda is a moody girl of small age .

Q-3 Read the last stanza . Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody ?

Ans- After reading the last stanza it seems that Amanda is moody . But she is not at all sulky . She has mind . She want to enjoy life. She has her own views and feelings .

Updated: July 26, 2022 — 5:33 am

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